Nourishing the World: Exponential Challenges, Exponential Technologies

By Scott Bowman

December 5, 2018 •

Global population levels will reach 10 billion or more by 2050. In the next 30 years, we have to solve the most important challenge in the history of the human population: How do we nourish the world? That means both providing the proper level of nutrients and sustenance, and leveraging the food system to power up health in our global population.

Technologies such as AI, drones and autonomous machines, geospatial mapping, the internet of everything, advances in genomics and others bring with them the promise of radically new approaches and solutions, as they have in so many other industries.

These are the topics we explored in this year’s TWIN Global session on Horizons in Food & Agriculture: Nourishing the World – Exponential Challenges, Exponential Technologies. Here are the key highlights from our speakers and discussion.

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