TWIN Perspective: Restoring Trust in Food

By Scott Bowman

November 18, 2019 •

Empowering human health through food demands the involvement of all stakeholders, including global food players. But today, we face an epidemic of mistrust across our food system – from the core science, to what is produced, packaged and delivered to consumers. This mistrust in our food system is a major barrier to achieving global progress. How can we nourish the world when there’s such a fundamental trust deficit in our food systems? If we are to successfully transform our global food system, we must first restore trust in food science, food information, food companies and brands.

For these reasons, on September 17, The World Innovation Network (TWIN) convened a group of over 30 diverse global leaders for a Challenge Session at TWIN Global 2019 focused on Trust Your Food. During this session, we explored and discussed barriers and opportunities to creating greater authenticity and trust in food science, food information, food companies & brands and the food system overall.

This report summarizes and builds upon the outcomes of this Challenge Session and covers the following:

  • The State of Trust: Where are we today?
  • The Evolution of Mistrust in Food: How did we get here?
  • Restoring Trust in Food: What can be done? What new possibilities might engender trust?
  • The New Mandate for Food Industry Players: Key principles for thriving in a post-trust world

Download the full report.

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