Challenges and opportunities for the mining industry: Energy Future Forum 2024

By Peter Bryant

August 16, 2024 •

At the Energy Future Forum 2024 presented by RealClearPolitics, Peter and Emily Olson, Chief Sustainability & Corporate Affairs Officer, Vale Base Metals, delve into the ‘Forgotten Industry’: mining.

Historically, the US phased out its Bureau of Mines in the late 1980s, under the impression that mining was no longer necessary. This decision has led to a scenario where, uniquely, the US does not dominate.

We understand escalating demand for key commodities, and the probable supply gap by 2035. As Emily notes, this poses a seminal challenge for the mining sector in terms of responsible sourcing, affecting every aspect of the industry from upstream to downstream processes.

Emily underscores the critical role of boosting circularity within the supply chain by creatively repurposing and recycling mining by-products to promote sustainability. To effectively bridge this gap, she advocates for the simplification of policies and ensuring their consistency, along with the importance of intensifying US-Canada cross-border dialogues, particularly with First Nation stakeholders, towards integration. The goal – to transform mining into an exemplar of robust international supply chain collaboration.

Join the discussion as Peter and Emily explore the multifaceted challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the mining industry.

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