Clareo Partners Join Forces with TransTech USA

By Peter Bryant

February 19, 2011 •


Clareo and TransTech USA are pleased to announce a merger of their strategy consulting practices. By combining with TransTech, Clareo is uniquely positioned to help its clients realize superior growth through more effective business innovation, long-term strategic insight, and corporate entrepreneurship. TransTech USA reinforces Clareo’s depth with consumer packaged goods and technology companies and adds expertise in natural resources, energy and clean technology. In addition, Transtech brings proprietary business strategy tools to guide scenario planning, product launch planning, and option formation and evaluation. TransTech USA, founded in 2005, has advised organizations from the US, UK and Asia Pacific—ranging from Global Fortune 500 companies to emerging start-ups.

“After several years of close collaboration with Clareo, it was natural to merge, not only to enhance our services but also to benefit our clients, alliance partners and employees,” said Peter Bryant, founder of TransTech. “Our combined firm is now focused on capitalizing on our expertise and resources to build value for our customers and business partners.”

“We have collaborated for many years through the Kellogg Innovation Network (KIN) where Peter is a Senior Felllow and board member,” said Professor Robert C. Wolcott, Partner at Clareo and Executive Director of KIN. “We share a common drive to help companies set and achieve their innovation goals and deliver superior growth strategies.”

The combined firm will operate as Clareo LLC.

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