Green Hydrogen: Hype or Hope for the Energy Transition?

By Paul Donnellan

April 26, 2022 •

If you follow developments in the energy industry, it’s impossible to avoid the ever-growing focus on green hydrogen. As more companies look to deliver on their Net Zero commitments, attention is turning to green hydrogen and its potential to solve some of the more intractable problems facing renewable energy and electrification, especially intermittency of supply.

Recent reports are giving us an updated view on how soon green hydrogen could play a meaningful role in the energy transition, and we’re already seeing companies make significant progress and plan to launch large-scale projects.

To better understand this surge in activity for a technology that’s not expected to scale for decades, we reached out to our network of leaders in the energy transition across electric and gas utilities, power producers, transportation companies, VCs, developers, and government policy leaders. We came away with key insights around investment drivers, the most viable use cases, and visibility into the early projects that are laying the foundation for hydrogen’s role in the energy future. Read the full report below.

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