KIN Global 2012: Prosperity through Entrepreneurship

By Robert Wolcott

July 21, 2012 •


“The KIN isn’t for spectators,” said Robert C. Wolcott in his welcome message to KIN Global 2012. Indeed, that theme reverberated throughout the invitation-only event hosted May30-June 1 at the Kellogg School of Management. KIN Global is not merely for spectators, and it has established itself as a powerful platform for action, striving for prosperity through innovation. From KIN Catalyst—the Mining Company of the Future, co-led by KIN board members, Peter J. Bryant and Mark Cutifani, to the KIN Prize Final-Four competition, KIN Global 2012 highlighted numerous KIN-inspired initiatives that are in progress and already making a positive impact.

How do we build prosperity through innovation? In his address, “America’s Evolving Role in the World,” Norm Augustine eloquently stressed that if there is one thing we need to get better at, it is realizing innovation in science and technology.

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper took this notion further: “There is an oversupply of innovation. What we have a lack of is entrepreneurship.” In a world where innovation occurs continuously, many innovations and patents remain underutilized or forgotten. Entrepreneurship and execution are required to make innovation bear fruit. Gov. Hickenlooper offered that of the two balancing factors—innovation and entrepreneurship—entrepreneurship may be more important. Building prosperity requires innovation, but entrepreneurship is what makes it a reality.

Clareo is proud to have been part of KIN Global 2012. As we help clients develop strategies to drive growth through innovation and entrepreneurship, we espouse Gov. Hickenlooper’s insights. Like KIN Global, we are not spectators. Nor are our clients. Together, we are not just predicting the future—we are creating it.

Videos and photos from KIN Global 2012 are available on VimeoFlickr and the KIN website.

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